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You need to be recording your CPD skills
if you are still applying your ENGINEERING skills and knowledge

Are you a professionally active engineer or technician?

A professionally active engineer is a registered engineer who is applying their engineering knowledge in an activity which involves third parties and thus where their engineering judgement may affect others or be relied on by others, or a registered engineer who expects to resume such activity in the foreseeable future. If you are retired but still applying your knowledge to engineering related activities then you are considered professionally active. 

In order to retain your registered status as an EngTech, IEng or CEng it is important that you conduct and record your CPD. Of course how much professional development is required is determined by the individual and will naturally differ between a full time mid-career engineer and a retired member doing volunteer work.

If you are no longer professionally active, and not applying your engineering knowledge in a manner that affects others, then you are not required to keep a record of your CPD.

If you are unsure whether or not you would be considered professionally active, or how much CPD activity would be expected if operating in a reduced capacity, you can always contact the team at

Definition of professionally active

  • A registered engineer in remunerated employment will be deemed to be ‘active’ unless their role has no connection with engineering and they have no intent to return to a role connected with engineering in the foreseeable future.
  • A registered engineer who is retired will be deemed to be ‘active’ if they are involved in voluntary activities in which they make use of their engineering knowledge. For example, involvement in Institution activities, charitable activities where they contribute engineering knowledge or public engagement where they express views based on their engineering knowledge.
  • A registered engineer on a career break will remain ‘active’ if they intend to return to an active engineering role (as otherwise defined here) in the foreseeable future. They may cease to be active where the career break is longer but would become active again at the point that they plan to return to an active role and are taking steps to refresh their knowledge.
  • A registered engineer who is retired and who is using their engineering knowledge only to pursue their personal interests with no potential impact on others is not considered ‘active’ in the profession.

Need some help?

Get in touch if you need help using CPD Tools.

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CPD Tools

    Part of the Career Developer suite, this is a tool for professionally registered members (EngTech, IEng or CEng) to record their experience and professional activity, providing a strong framework for career progression and professional development.

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