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We make an Impact


NHS hospitals will be able to buy air sanitisers, confident the equipment is fit for their needs thanks to the work of our members.

IMechE’s vision is to improve the world through engineering and shine a spotlight on our members’ achievements, highlighting the positive impact they have on society.

As a result of our members’ work, National Health Service hospitals will soon be able to buy low-cost UV air sanitisers to remove COVID-19 from the air, confident the equipment is fit for their needs.

This follows work by a team of engineers led by IMechE members to develop a standard to regulate the use of the sanitisers for the NHS. The sanitisers also have the potential to be used in schools, colleges and other public buildings.

The UV sanitisers have been shown in a hospital trial to be a low-cost and effective way of removing COVID-19 from the air.

Further information about the project can be found here. Visit the Pandemic Infections Control Solutions Task Force for more information on our Task Force.

St Teresa’s RC Primary School Case Study

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