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The Ethical Principles Committee

The role of the Ethical Principles Committee (EPC) is to be alert to issues with an ethical dimension in the broad engineering community and to provide advice and guidance to the Institution on issues of ethics and their impact on its practices. It should investigate and identify ways of providing information and support for members on professional conduct and ethical matters.

The role of the Ethical Principles Committee (EPC) Member is to take part in the discussions of ethical issues as they affect the Institution. The Committee should create a unifying point within the Institution which can bridge a number of current groups working in related areas It is also to ensure that the aims and objectives of the Institution are achieved and to support the needs of the membership and engineering community.


  • Fully participate in EPC Committee meetings and discussions
  • Work with the EPC Chair and secretariat to ensure that all decisions allocated to them are acted on
  • Support the development and review of the Code of Conduct and associated documents
  • Ensure good communication and best practice is achieved
  • Encourage free and frank discussion of cases with all parties as required. Actively listening and posing questions to explore any areas of interest or concern
  • Raise awareness of the importance and value of ethical considerations to the wider engineering community
  • Raise awareness of engineering and any associated ethical issues to younger generations
  • Ensure any conflicts of interest are made known and considered


  • Learn from experience and identify best practice in the sector
  • Broaden professional horizons
  • Develop interpersonal and soft skills
  • Meet people from other organisations that you may not otherwise have the opportunity to meet
  • Generate new ideas and innovation
  • Contribute greatly to the Institution by helping to build and promote ethical strategies within it

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Benefits

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is a fundamental part of any career in engineering – ensuring 'professionally registered and active' engineers keep up to date by constantly learning and improving, developing skills and staying abreast of innovation. This will enhance your contribution to engineering and help you get the most out of your career. All volunteering roles offered by the Institution provide support for your CPD.

Role Requirements

  • A professionally registered member of the Institution
  • Strong understanding of and interest in the Institution and it’s wide and varied activities
  • High levels of awareness of and interest in global ethical issues
  • Ideally, previous experience of volunteering for the Institution or another Professional body


  • Committee meetings are held 4 times per year, with 3 conducted virtually and 1 face-to-face meeting pa at the Institution’s HQ
  • Attend a minimum of two committee meetings visits per year, to remain current with the dialogue, considerations and work of the committee
  • An expected term of 3 year’s service
  • Be prepared to dedicate up to 40 hours per year on EPC business
  • Represent the Institution at external events or meetings if required.
  • Complete training as deemed necessary
  • Committee or Panel members are required to sign a Data Protection Agreement

Commitment to the Institution’s Values

  • Upholding the Institution’s Values, Behaviours and Code of Conduct
  • Acting with integrity
  • Acting without vested interest and self-reporting any conflicts of interest or loyalty
  • Supporting the Institution’s Diversity and Inclusion strategy
  • Exercising independent judgement and challenging colleagues appropriately
  • Opening-up volunteering opportunities to all eligible members
  • Creating transparent and inclusive processes and procedures that treat staff and volunteers objectively and fairly
  • Maintaining high levels of confidentiality where necessary and ensuring GDPR compliance is upheld

Initial Training

  • Observe a committee meeting with discussion
  • Attend a formal training session conducted either virtually or at IMechE HQ.

The IMechE will cover all reasonable expenses incurred to attend a committee meeting in person.