Dr Matteo Vagnoli has been awarded the IMechE SRG Donald Julius Groen Prize for the paper “A Bayesian Belief Network method for bridge deterioration detection”, published in the Proc IMechE, Part O: J Risk and Reliability 2021; 235(3): 338-355.
Dr Matteo Vagnoli obtained a BSc in Energy Engineering and an MSc in Nuclear Engineering from the Polytechnic of Milan (Italy). He then joined the University of Nottingham (UK) and graduated with a PhD in Risk and Reliability Engineering, with a thesis “Railway Bridge Monitoring and Fault Diagnostics”. After the PhD, Matteo joined Bombardier Transportation as data scientist at first, and then moved into the lead of a global data science team responsible for end-to-end prognostics, from embedding prognostics data requirements into the design of railway assets, to real-time analytics of such assets to predict asset failures. Currently, Matteo is a Senior Analytics Manager at Swiss Re Group, originating and managing advanced analytics solutions to enhance client efficiency and increase their profitability via strategic analytics solutions and actionable risk insights.
This paper proposes a novel approach of applying a Bayesian Belief Network method for detecting signs of bridge deterioration. The method can take account of sensor data as well as information from visual inspections, the latter of the two are frequently used in bridge asset management. The approach is demonstrated on a steel truss bridge example which is modelled using an FEM model; and using bridge acceleration in-field data of a post-tensioned concrete bridge for different states of degradation. The proposed approach can be used in detecting early signs of deterioration in bridge elements when there is some evidence about bridge behaviour due to traffic. Such information can help to plan bridge asset management and operation.
Vagnoli, M., Remenyte-Prescott, R., Andrews, J.D. A Bayesian Belief Network method for bridge deterioration detection, Proc IMechE, Part O: J Risk and Reliability 2021; 235(3): 338-355, https://doi.org/10.1177%2F1748006X20979225
Congratulations to Dr Matteo Vagnoli on winning the IMechE SRG Donald Julius Groen Prize.