Formula Student Overall Winner

University of Sheffield
Formula Student Overall Winner
1st Year Vehicle

Staffordshire University |
Formula Student Runner Up
1st Year Vehicle
University of Nottingham |
Formula Student Third Place
1st Year Vehicle

Cardiff University |
Formula Student Overall Winner
2nd Year Vehicle

University of Sheffield |
Formula Student Runner Up
2nd Year Vehicle |

University of Southampton |
Formula Student Third Place
2nd Year Vehicle |

University of West England |
Formula Student Concept Class
Overall Winner |

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay |
Formula Student Engineering Design
1st Year Vehicle

University of Glasgow |
Formula Student Engineering Design
2nd Year Vehicle

University of Sheffield |
Formula Student Cost & Manufacturing

University of Bath |
Formula Student Overall Static Events |

University of Sheffield
Business Plan Presentation |
University of Nottingham
Concept Class Engineering Design |

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay |
Concept Class Cost & Manufacturing |

Higher Technological Institute 10th Of Ramadan
Concept Class Lap Time Simulation |

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Formula Student Overall Dynamic Events Winner |

University of Central Lancashire
Formula Student Acceleration Winner |

Cardiff University |
Formula Student Skid Pad Winner |

University of West England |
Formula Student Sprint Winner |

University of Sheffield
Sunday Special Event Winners |

University of Central Lancashire |
Most Efficient Car

University of Bath |
Most Efficient Internal Combustion Engine Car

University of Sheffield |
Craig Dawson Award
Most Valuable Team Member

Robert Eves
Lancaster University |
Most Cones Hit

Kingston University |
Furthest Travelled Cone

Kingston University |
Most Entertaining Driver

University of Central Lancashire |
RaceCar Engineering Engagement, Outreach and Communications Award |

University of Glasgow |
Formula Student Outstanding Contribution Award

Mark Hassall, Head Judge, BPP |
RACE TECH Spirit of Formula Student 2021 |

Staffordshire University |
Fastest Egress

Jayan Mistry
DeMontfort University |
Faculty Advisor Outstanding Contribution

Andrew Bradley
Oxford Brookes University |
FS-AI DDT Class Overall Winner

University of Bath |
FS-AI ADS Class Overall Winner

University of Edinburgh |
FS-AI Class Business Plan Presentation Winner

UPM Technical University of Madrid |
FS-AI Real World AI Winner

University of Bath |
FS-AI DDT Class Autonomous Design Winner

University of Bath |
FS-AI ADS Class Autonomous Design Winner

University of Modena and Reggio Emilia |
FS-AI Simulation Development Winner |

University of Bath |
FS-AI DDT Class Overall Static Events Winner |

University of Bath |
FS-AI ADS Class Overall Static Events Winner

University of Edinburgh |
FS-AI Acceleration Winner
No winner - all teams scored 0 |
FS-AI Real World AI Winner
No winner - all teams scored 0 |
FS-AI Skid Pad Winner |
No winner - all teams scored 0 |
FS-AI Sprint Winner |
No winner - all teams scored 0 |
FS-AI Endurance Winner |
No winner - all teams scored 0 |
FS-AI Overall Dynamic Events Winner |
No winner - all teams scored 0 |
Concept Class Sim Racing Winner |

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |